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Picture this! You are a successful executive in corporate America, a single mom, attending graduate school, living your best life! Everything in life is going as planned, or so you feel that it is. You feel a bit off, somewhat not working at your level of genius or feel there is something missing from your life. However, you just don’t know what that is. As we all know there is office politics that takes place, the office ‘gossip’ and one day you hear there will soon be layoffs, but you don’t think anything about it because as you say to yourself, “That’s not going to be me!”
A few months go by you begin to see others transition to other departments, you hear of a sprinkle of others who have gotten laid off. Still, you feel secure in your position, your numbers are up, and everything looks good, you’re bringing money into the company quarterly.
Then it hits you!
That Wednesday, yes some of you know about that Wednesday around brunch time that most companies use to hand out the pink slip.
Well, I was sent a request while sitting in my office to go see the Director, Union Representative, and Human Resource Manager.
I immediately knew what that meant. I kept a strong face, open mind, with a smile on my face.
Yet in my mind, I was thinking about my child, mortgage, utilities, insurance, savings, retirement. You know, all things we as parents, adults must take care of monthly.
Job transition has hit home! What in the world was I going to do? Cry? Scream, Yell, or Get angry? Collect unemployment? So many thoughts ran through my mind at that time and I didn’t have time to process a full-blown plan. How many of you have ever encountered this? Yes, probably most of you reading this right now.
How to Cope with Job Loss
Changes, transitions everyone knows can be very difficult, yet needed, right? Sitting across from the Director and the Human Resource Manager, I felt a sense of calm fall over me that was unusual, to say the least. Something I had never felt before, but I was excited about what was to come and quietly in my head thanked God for the experience I had received while on the job.
You see most people would have looked at this transition as a loss or a setback. Why? Could it be that they are looking at everything through a magnifying lens at this moment? In total disbelief and trying to figure out how they will get by, pay bills, will they lose the house… so many other scary thoughts creep up in our minds. Before I segment into the top ten things that helped me transition after leaving corporate America, I want to share a few things.
Related: The Real Reason I Left Corporate America
I learned so much from this transition, many things that I hadn’t processed until months after. However, it was the initial thoughts that I want to share with each of you. Don’t ever allow the past to define you, look at all the things you have learned from that job and how you can grow into your new position. Whatever that position may be. Whether it is starting your own business, joining a partnership with someone else or starting a new career.
I realized that if I dwelled on the loss of that corporate job I would be emotionally drained. I knew I needed my energy to do other things, so I took that energy and made sure I focused on making the next greater than the last.
The beauty of that layoff was it wasn’t just a lay-off. It truly was me being pushed into my destiny. I don’t think I would’ve been brave enough to start my business or write my book due to excuses I was making of being tired after work! So, a blessing in disguise I would say……. 😉
10 Tips for Transitioning from Corporate America
As I stated previously change can be very hard, traumatic for most. It comes in various forms and for most job transitions is one of the biggest changes that are scary and can be taxing. If you’re facing some change in your career, consider the following:
#1 Self-Assessment
Doing a self-assessment of your actions, attitude, job performance, as well as the job transition, will allow you to take an honest, eagle eyes view of everything. Such as your personal and professional strengths, weaknesses, skills, gifts, and how you operate in your zone of genius. What negative or positive influence did those actions, attitude, or performance have for your transition? Taking a self-assessment allowed me to take my weaknesses while not focusing on them and becoming depressed by the job loss, but, look at each weakness and decide how I would turn them into strengths.
#2 Quiet the Noise
Take time to find space to silence everyone else’s voices, you know the noise of others who may try to speak negatively regarding your transition. We must also take time to quiet the noise in our own heads. The voices that tell us we’re not good enough, or we don’t have the ability to get another corporate job. That voice that runs through your mind with all of the negative thoughts. Take time to silence the noise it will allow you to have clarity for your next big move in life.
#3 Find Your Sweet Spot
Using the time after you have received your pink slip to make sense of everything gives you the opportunity to find your true sweet spot. What is that sweet spot? You will find some of the most successful individuals in the world operate in their sweet spot. It is that area of true purpose and passion, personally and professionally. What are you naturally drawn to? What is that one thing you do well, effortlessly? The innate talent that allows you to use what is in your hands. Your sweet spot!
#4 Pray
Whatever you believe in, taking time to pray will allow you to put out into the universe, to God, what you speak. As we all know what we speak will find its way back to us. Find 5 minutes out of your day to pray and seek guidance.
#5 Focus on Your Needs
Stop and ask yourself – “What do I need right now in my life? Where would I like to see my life personally and professionally? What does starting overlook like for me?” Then visualize your life the way you need and want it to be. The career or business you would like to have, the house, car, financial status, everything you feel you need in your life. Once you have those things visualized, create a vision board, or a vision or dream journal. Something you can create with the words, phrases or images that support your vision and place in a location for you to see it every day.
Related: Easy Budget and Financial Spreadsheet for Busy Families
#6 Find Support
I am not sure of your support system but there are some who have great support systems. Then there are those who lack in that area where they may not have great people on their team or family and friends who support them. In that case, seek someone in your church whom you have a close relationship with, your spouse, friend girl, or someone close to you. Trust me, someone in your inner circle has experienced a job loss and can offer up some support. Remember to ask them questions, learn everything you can from them.
#7 Find time for Self-Care
Any changes in life can become physically and emotionally taxing. Especially as mothers, we are always taking care of others and by the time we have a moment to sit and breathe all we want to do is sleep. During times of change remember you need self-care to relax, revive and rejuvenate your mind and body. There are many things you can do for self-care that cost you nothing to less than twenty dollars.
#8 Let Go of Perfection
To put things simply, it’s a huge waste of energy to try and make life perfect. Once you let go of wanting to make everything perfect you give yourself a sense of calm. The peace needed to know nothing in life is perfect. We strive daily to make sure our past mistakes are never repeated. Let’s strive to be perfectly imperfect.
#9 Mind Your Thoughts
What we think we begin to believe. Having time to yourself and for yourself helps clear your head, reassess your thoughts, and begin to change what you focus on, daily. I found the best practice is grabbing a journal and doing a brain dump. Clearing your mind of all of the fuzzy, nonproductive thoughts so you can begin to welcome in nothing but positivity.
#10 Accept Change
Once you realize there isn’t anything you can do about change, you will begin to rest in that and accept it. It’s understandable that it isn’t easy to accept change, yet once you learn to accept it, you will find it much easier when changes occur.
About the Author
Tamara Gooch
Master Coach, Consultant & Blogger, Author, Speaker, #CEOMomma, Tamara C. Gooch, is the Founder and CEO of Pink Pearl, LLC a transformational movement that magnifies individuals voices and triumphant stories of boldness, confidence & truth, along with The Savvy Entrepreneurs Incubator group; a think-tank, next-level innovative learning platform that helps modern-day women & moms maximize and monetize their messages and find their voice; in order to live a life of freedom, on purpose. While coaching passion-driven individuals in areas of, Business, Christian life (Destiny, Purpose, Self-Discovery, Self-Care, and Relationships), Financial, and above all motherhood.
With, PheMOMenon At Forty blog & The Savvy Entrepreneurs Incubator group, Tamara has established the concept of online community building and engagement, building and creating an elite, high-result society of everyday moms and women who are impacting the world in monumental ways. Her formula for success is simple – Faith, Fierceness, Fearlessness, Fabulousness, Action and incessant Education. Tamara propels her clients forward with the blueprint, & tools needed to launch and grow a successful online business, monetize their gifts in the most efficient way while enjoying their lives, time with family, and a lifestyle of freedom. |